
PD&MS has vast experience in late-life management and decommissioning, spanning a multitude of phases and tasks. Our multi-skilled team consists of a wide range of experienced specialists with extensive operations and decommissioning experience, both as operators and as engineering services providers.

Our Services

Our assistance has spanned a multitude of phases and tasks, including:

  • Abandonment support
  • Interface with operations teams and other stakeholders
  • Provision of production personnel and deck crew
  • Pre-NUI and NUI (NNA) interface
  • Provision of temporary power generation
  • Inspection, maintenance and anomaly management
  • Facilities make-safe
  • DFPV Support Engineering Down & Clean
  • Preparation of topsides
  • Separation of modules (process and utilities)
  • Installation of temporary utilities
  • Facilities – topsides removal pre-works
  • Structural separation for removal preparation
  • Removal vessels and HLVs
  • Site remediation and monitoring lighthouse mode/NUI preparation

PD&MS has delivered many projects, supporting clients with decommissioning at different phases.

We have also developed our unique Joint Service Operator (JSO) model, whereby we deploy our own PD&MS-trained offshore installation managers (OIMs) and production and maintenance support, working under our own safety management system. This allows our clients to minimise asset management costs and burden, with PD&MS assuming Pseudo Operator status, typically for NUIs, acting on the client’s behalf to operate the asset and continually challenge and address the SECE and maintenance backlog.

In the domain of decommissioning, PD&MS offers a scalable and tailored proposition that’s fit for purpose and allows us to take responsibility for key activities, from initial safety case compliance and SECE reduction through to additional support activities such as the remote monitoring of warm and cold stacked assets.

Our engineering team plays a significant part in supporting preparation for decommissioning, with a typical suite of activities covered by their capabilities.

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Committed to supporting our clients achieve their net zero ambitions and play a leading role in the energy transition landscape.

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